An App for the book: 'The Devil's Arsonist' by William Gilderiche (a pseudonym).
At present it is available in FULL and for FREE on the ElevenLabs Reader App; under the category Indie Authors category on both Android and iOS platforms. The print and eBook versions are expected sometime next year (2025).
This App is like no other. Nowadays there are Apps on almost every subject, every hobby, every interest, every piece of software and every type of business. But none that feature a book whether it be a hardback, in paperback, as an eBook or an audio recording. For my App features a book - 'The Devil's Arsonist' by William Gilderiche.
It can be used to see if you want to read the book itself, or as a reference guide to the content of the book itself. It is divided into the following items:
- A Book Synopsis; a short summary of the book;
- Book Trailer Video; a short video of the book;
- Book Extracts; sample text from its chapters;
- Audio Book Extract; an audio recording of the book's prologue;
- The Characters; a brief biography of the main characters in the book;
- The History; Historical background to important events depicted in the book;
- The Timeline; a timeline of events featured in the book;
- The Places; a description of places and locations referred to in the book;
- The Images; photographs and drawings of people, places and events described in the book;
- A Glossary; short A-Z of terms, places and people contained in the book, which require clarification.